Storefront Humber and COVID-19

We at Storefront Humber are closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic situation and are following the lead of Canadian and Provincial Public Health Authorities.

We are taking all appropriate measures to ensure all of our clients, families, staff and service providers are protected while we continue to provide necessary care.

We continue to monitor for developments very closely at this important time.

What Are We Doing at Storefront Humber

We have put additional actions in place to ensure your safety as well as the safety of our team.

  • Only essential services (Personal Care/Support, Respite and Maintenance Coordination) will be provided during this time.
  • We have cancelled all in-person group programming (Congregate Dining, Foot Clinic, Adult Day Program and Well Elderly programs) until September 8, 2020.
  • To promote social distancing, we have reduced the number of staff in our main office and many staff are now working remotely.
  • We have introduced enhanced cleaning protocols at the main office, with focus on high traffic and high contact areas.
  • We have increased our protective equipment supplies and are monitoring their use to ensure that we have the supplies we need to keep both our client and workers safe and healthy.
  • We continue to follow all recommended infection control measures for home health care. These practices include screening clients for new symptoms, and following recommended protocols on hand hygiene, and the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

What Should I Expect From My Storefront Humber Care Provider?

As always, our staff will be telephoning you prior to your visit. In addition to confirming the visit, they will now be asking you questions to screen for symptoms of COVID-19. This is to keep everyone safe. These symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath.

Screening may also take place in person at the beginning of a visit. This screening ensures that any individuals at risk of having or spreading COVID-19 are identified immediately.

All staff will be wearing masks, goggles and gloves throughout their visit. Storefront Humber staff will only wear protective equipment provided and approved by Storefront Humber.

As per usual care protocol, the staff will be using hand sanitizer to wash their hands upon entering your home, before and after your care. Even if the staff member is wearing gloves, they will still be using hand sanitizer to wash their gloved hands.

Clients who have been advised to self-isolate or quarantine by a healthcare provider should inform the Storefront Humber office.

If either the client or close contacts of the client that might be present during the provision of service are symptomatic, Storefront Humber staff will wear full PPE; masks, goggles, gloves and gowns. These protocols are based on Public Health Ontario evidence and guidance. Please visit Public Health Ontario for further information on recommendations regarding the use of protective equipment.

If You Are Concerned You Might Have Covid-19

A COVID-19 Assessment centre is open at St. Joseph’s Health Centre in the Sunnyside building, 1st floor (entrance available on Sunnyside Avenue). There is also a centre at the Mississauga Hospital 15 Bronte College Court.

Please read the following to determine if you should go to the Assessment Centre:

Who Should Visit an Assessment Centre

People with mild symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection (cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, runny nose, and joint aches, and may also include nausea, diarrhea and stomach pains) and, any of the following:

  • Fever of 38°C or higher,
  • Underlying health condition(s) of concern. Includes: cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease, cerebrovascular disease (e.g. previous stroke), hypertension, diabetes, cancer, immunosuppression, currently smoking, or
  • Age 60 years or older

Symptomatic patients should self-isolate while waiting to reach Telehealth Ontario or seeking medical attention.

Non-insured people are able to access the assessment centres without barrier.

Who Should Not Visit an Assessment Centre

People with no symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection (cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, runny nose, and joint aches, and may also include nausea, diarrhea and stomach pains).


People who are unsure should:

  • call their primary care provider, or
  • call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 and speak with a registered nurse who will guide whether you will require further care or potential testing in person, or
  • check the online self-assessment tool (

Who Should Visit an Emergency Department

People who have more severe symptoms

  • shortness of breath
  • chest discomfort
  • lethargy or drowsiness
  • weakness
  • dizziness

If you are not well enough to take personal transportation, call 911. These people do not need to call Telehealth Ontario, or be assessed for COVID-19, regardless of their travel history.

Please see the other resources on our website or please visit Public Health Ontario ( for further information regarding COVID-19 and measures we can all take to protect ourselves.

We appreciate the cooperation of all of our clients and families to help keep everyone safe.